Member-only story
Be Proactive — Take The Weather With You
“The first choice we make each and every day is, ‘Will we act upon life, or will we merely be acted upon?” Stephen Covey
How many times have you screamed at the kids when they did something wrong? Or flipped the driver in the next lane for cutting in front of you? I know I have done those things and more countless times. And afterwards, you know what, I feel disappointed in myself.
It's not the things that happen to you that matter but how you react to them that counts.
Stephen Covey wrote a seminal book called “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. A colleague gave me a copy when we were both in a graduate program at an insurance company. It blew me away and got me on this path of personal development and self-improvement. I’ve read it many times at different stages of my life, and each time I discover something new that helps me move forward.
The first habit, Be Proactive, is one of three that Covey groups in the Private Victory section of his model. By improving your skills in these three habits, you will move towards self-mastery. The private…